Dr. Sumita Prabhakar moderated a webinar on IU Success for the Saharanpur Gynae Society. 45 gynecologists from Saharanpur participated in this webinar’s panel discussion. Bayer Zydus Pharma hosted the webinar. The topic of this Fertility Talk webinar was Ovulation Induction Protocols and Optimizing Results in IUI.

Dr. Sumita Prabhakar moderated the panel discussion, which included 14 questions about IUI Success. The purpose of this webinar was to discuss the success rate of the IUNI Processor that the IFF Specialist will be performing.

The following topics were discussed during this Fertility Talk webinar:
- A young couple married for 5 years walks into your clinic wanting IUI. What investigation you would like to do before proceeding with IUI and what are the indications for IUI?
- A young couple walks into your clinic with a report of azoospermia all other reports of the wife are normal. Would you like to stimulate her or do a natural cycle IUI? What is the aim of controlled ovarian stimulation in IUI?
- What is the role of follicular monitoring and color Doppler in IUI?
- What are the common stimulation protocols for IUI? When would you like to add gonadotrophin in the IUI cycle?
- What is the role of antagonist in the IUI cycle in which circumstances would you like to add antagonist in the IUI cycle?
- What are the factors affecting the success rate of IUI (factor of patient selection, cycle stimulation, and procedure)?
- What are the various semen processing techniques and do they affect the success of the IUI cycle?
- What are the lab parameters which can affect the success rate of IUI?
- Does it matter which type of catheter to use for IUI and does your technique how you doing affect your results?
- Would you like to give luteal phase support in IUI cycles and what are the other adjuvants which routinely used to improve the success rate of your IUI cycle?
- How many inseminations would you like to do in one IUI cycle? Single or double IUI?
- How many cycles do you normally do of IUI and when will you decide that now you want to shift to IVF?
- What are the complications of the IUI cycle and medico-legal implications of IUI?
- Can OHSS occur in IUI cycles and what precautions you would like to take to prevent it?