Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit.

Refund and Cancellation

All appointment are automatically processed on our secure online interface and sent for confirmation as soon as they are placed. During this process, we incur fees. Therefore, while we understand that appointment might need to be postponed or cancelled sometimes, we are unable to process it without payment. We strictly adhere to the following cancellation policy:

  1. You can cancel your appointment before 24 hours of the appointment time, no cancellation fee will be charged.
  2. You cannot cancel your appointment before 24 hours of the appointment time.
  3. Confirmed appointment in which Patient will be unavailable will not be refundable.

Transaction Fee


  • Transaction fees charged would be borne by cardholder for any payment.
  • Transaction fee charges would not be refunded/ reversed under any circumstances for any refund/ reversal /chargeback and any other reasons.